We took a couple of days where we walked on the diverse beaches of the island. Some were sand beaches, others covered in rounded grey stones, some had every rock covered in a variety of seaweeds and barnacles. The beaches transformed completely from high to low tide. On our last trip, one beach we walked on at low tide allowed us to walk very far out on what was basically the bottom of the bay when the tide came in. Due to the time of day and the moon cycle this time when we went to find the beach, we could not even recognize it as it looked completely different. Josh convinced me it was out beyond the Castalia marsh, but it looked so much smaller, and the landscape was hard to recognize.
We took Orianne to Dark Harbour, on the mostly uninhabited side of the island. There are some fishing cabins there, and lots of dories for fishing and dulsing (dulse being the local, edible seaweed), stinky fish nets, and old abandoned lighthouse, tons of fishing spiders on the rocks, and below the tide line, very treacherous round rocks totally covered in slimy, bright green sea weed.
We were not disappointed. We took Orianne with us on a misty morning sea kayaking from Whale Cove, all along the bottom edge of the campsites of the Hole in the Wall campsite, past the Swallowtail lighthouse and Pette's Cove to the area where the ferry dock and the boats come in, the "downtown" area of the island.
I took a lot of pictures. There are so many niches of flora, some preferring the cliffs, others like the beach peas on the beaches, and a variety of interesting underwater plants that live a very amphibious life with the changing tides.
There was a lot of fog and mist, which gave everything an intense and eery look. I tried to capture the shifting moods in my photos.
This was a beach side house at Dark Harbour, built to keep above the rising tide.
Where the water flows back into the Bay of Fundy from Dark Harbour at low tide, it's like a bathtub with the plug pulled out.
There are hairy giants emerging from the stones. Perhaps stone trolls?
We took a ferry ride over to White Head island. The island boasts the most incredible beach with ocean-polished stones of every imaginable colour, fields of wildflowers and Alfie, the lady who paints rocks. I described her in my last two posts about trips to Grand Manan. She is an older lady with a colourful history who made this island her home for the summers, living in a lobster shack at the end of the one road on the island.
We were excited to introduce Orianne to her, as we were certain they would enjoy each other's company. When we arrived at the end of the road, instead of a table with beautiful painting on round beach rocks, we found the door of the lobster shack closed with a small pad lock on it.
We spent the time instead picking out the prettiest stones on the beach, taking photos of the charming houses and gorgeous wildflowers. Josh picked a bunch of samfire (sea asparagus) for cooking for dinner while Orianne and I explored.
Upon return to Grand Manan we found out that Alfie had had some health issues, and her daughter bought a house on the island where they had moved. Alfie continued to paint rocks which she sells at the Farmer's Market on Saturdays on Grand Manan. We were sorry to have found out this information after our visit, as we may have otherwise had the opportunity to find her again. This will be a priority for our next trip!
Here comes another stone troll.
Lots of jellyfish were washed up on the beaches. Orianne had a lot of fun poking at them, but they were too far gone to react.
In addition to rocks, spiders and samfire, Josh had a lot of luck picking chanterelles in the forest around our campsite, which added some nice flavour to our rather gourmet camping meals. Oh, and if you were wondering how I can justify once again writing about my vacation on my garden blog, what do you think those gourmet meals were made from? Prior to leaving, I harvested garlic, onions, kale, swiss chard, tons of green, purple and yellow beans, basil, lettuce, strawberries, raspberries and mint. It all came along with us in our cooler. Also all of the rocks which I brought home from White Head are featured now in our garden!
Orianne and Josh found a section of the beach which the seabirds liked to use to crack open crabs. There were crabshells all over the place. As Josh has long enjoyed building inukshuks, he decided that he would build a uniquely maritime one with Orianne.
These berries were all over the forest. I have no idea what they are.
Driftwood and wildflowers.
And as every good thing must end, we caught our last shots of the island in the morning sun from the ferry.
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