Saturday 8 December 2012

Happy Chanukah!

To all my readers who celebrate Chanukah, have a very happy holiday. For those who don't, please enjoy all the other upcoming festivals of light and love in this dark chilly December.

As my friend Anne commented, I haven't blogged much recently. That is because I have not done much related to the garden in a while. I have randomly rubbed seeds hither and yon from my hollyhocks, black eyed susans and cosmos. I am waiting to see what will pop up in the spring without me putting in new seed stock. I have not been swiping samples of seeds from the entire neighbourhood this year, but depending on how things sprout in the spring I may take up my old habits next year again.

We have yet to make tomato sauce, we are still using pesto from the freezer, and with the chest freezer we are not under pressure to liberate everyone else's freezers. Josh has been working on building our new kitchen cabinets so the sauce will wait.

We have had snow but then the temperature has been up and down so there is no snow on the ground. It rained today. I can see buds on some confused bushes. The garden looks pretty desolate, but the oregano, rosemary, lambeum, periwinkle, violets, anemones are still green. This amazes me, I would have expected the frost to have killed them. I did not check out the strawberries but they are probably sprouting new leaves as I speak.

I am not taking photos. It still looks too sad even with little pockets of green.