Wednesday, 29 May 2013

New maps

I decided to redo my map of the back yard to reflect what I actually planted. I had to rearrange tomatoes because the raspberries spread on one side, and I did not like the design on the other. I removed the carrots from the map because they did not grow. Chloe told me I need to keep the seeds wet a long time, and I think they dried out and died before they had a chance to germinate. I also did not plant onions so have some space for more basil or lettuce later. Please bear with me as I repost changes, I found the original map invaluable when I planted last week, and I know I will not remember where I planted what by next summer so my map will help me with crop rotation. (Click to see larger image). 

Today my pageviews hit 2013, and I had readers in Japan and Columbia and Australia and Turkey. I copied the map because I thought it was pretty cool, even if some are just spammers. 

We are getting a magnolia for the front of the house. I will posts pics when we get it planted, although we won't see the flowers until next year. I am hoping to get a black tulip magnolia.

I did some more weeding today, and my black eyed susans are beginning to be distinguished from the creeping bell flowers. I have been tearing the latter out along with the remaining goutweed and new crop of dandilions with great abandon. Gone are my days of guilt at killing an innocent plant.

I also moved some of my smaller flowers around so they would have more visibility. All this in the rain, which although a bit uncomfortable, made the work easier as the soil was soft and I did not have to water everything afterwards.

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