The raspberry plants seem unconcerned with the radical weather shifts and are productive beyond belief right now. The berries are big and sweet and very popular. I hid yesterday's crop so I can share them at our Rosh Hashana family gathering.
I harvested the potatoes. The ones I put in the hay bales did not do as well as the ones that were on the ground directly covered in hay. I think the humidity was too high in the bales, and the potatoes I planted rotted too quickly. My yield was not too impressive but I did get some new red potatoes for the holidays. I harvested carrots yesterday, some nice Nantes ones, which are being served with dinner tomorrow night at my mother's. Isaac helped me pick the highest beans which no one else could reach.
I separated the beans from their pods and they are drying out now for soups and seed stock for next year.
The nasturtiums are doing phenomenal. They have climbed up the sunflowers and spread widely. They are in my most fertile area, right in the middle of the garden, and have huge leaves and flowers everywhere. So much for the advice to put them in crappy soil. .
The tall sunflowers are in bloom now, small heads but many blossoms per stalk like the shorter ones so they make a nice, cheery contrast to the general look of entropy in the garden. The cosmos are still going strong, and the hibiscus looks like it is ready to bloom, if it survives another cold night and frost warning tonight (with a high of 21 and sunny tomorrow, then going up to 27 by the weekend!). My gentians just bloomed (I always forget about them!) and have spread a bit despite tough competition from goosenecked loosestrife and periwinkle.
There are hundreds of green tomatoes which, barring frost, should be ripe by the weekend with more sun and heat coming. And my spring lettuce mix, which I have been selectively harvesting since June, is still going.
I have started thinking about next year. I have decided that we will be starting a new garden patch in the centre of the yard, where we get the most sun. The kids are not doing much playing in the yard at their ages, and we really have not been entertaining heavily. The new patch we started this year was not very productive, even by this year's particular standards.
We managed to get rid of most of the potato bacteria with hydrogen peroxide. Claude said that the same solution will kill off the mildew that covered half of the bee balm (one patch, not the other), as well as the phlox and the peas. I haven't tried, we had a lot of rain recently so I decided it was a losing battle at this point in the season, but I know for next year.
Vanier college started a little gardening project this summer, and small patches of mixed herbs, flowers and vegetables appeared in raised boxes and small beds. I noticed them this summer when my daughters went there for day camp. In the weekly staff newsletter, there was an article about the gardens and a call for donations. What great timing! I was beginning to be concerned about overruns of bee balm, gooseneck loosestrife and dozens of baby columbines cropping up. So last week, I did a bit of culling, and added in some small samples of periwinkle, creeping thyme and bits and pieces of other ground creepers and spreaders, and delivered them to Vanier, as well as gave some care packages to friends starting gardens. I am sure by the spring I will have more to donate, if anyone is interested.
To all my Jewish readers, I would like to wish you all a very happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year. To all my gardening readers, may you be spared early frost and have a bountiful harvest.
From Chloe's garden, a mini-fruit bowl |